How to Improve Your SEO by Conducting Keyword Research

Keyword research is vital for anyone looking to develop an effective SEO strategy. It can help guide your site structure, the content you create moving forward, and how it performs.

Everyone has their methods, favorite tools, and strategies for tackling this process. However, there are several ways that you can improve your keyword research. Click Here to learn more.


One of the first steps in keyword research is identifying your target audience. That will help you better understand how users search for your product or service, making creating relevant and effective content easier. Using keywords that align with your customer’s intent will improve the likelihood of your content ranking higher on SERPs, which is necessary to drive traffic and increase your business’s overall visibility online.

You can use several tools to identify your target audience, including Moz’s Keyword Explorer and SEMrush. Both offer a free version to get started and a premium paid option if you want more advanced features. Using these tools will give you an understanding of the keywords your audience is searching for and how many competitors are targeting them, which can be helpful when choosing which ones to focus on.

Once you know what keywords your target audience is searching, it’s important to determine which ones generate the most clicks. This information can be gleaned from the CPC (Cost-Per-Click) value and the number of searches in a given period. Keywords with a high CPC value are usually expensive to compete for but can generate valuable leads. However, don’t be deterred by a high CPC value – if a keyword delivers quality traffic, driving conversions, it may be worth the investment.

Besides finding out what keywords your customers are searching for, it’s also important to know their motivations. Knowing their pain points and needs will help you create content that speaks directly to their interests, which can make a big difference in converting website visitors into repeat customers.

To better understand your customer’s search motivations, you can expand on the keywords you’ve identified by using a tool like Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). that will provide you with a list of variations of each keyword users search in Google. For example, if you enter “bike rack,” you’ll receive results such as “bike rack for audi q5” and “bike rack for car.”

Identifying your target audience to optimize your website for their specific interests is important. By incorporating LSI, you can develop a more targeted keyword strategy that will boost your organic rankings and bring in more reliable and long-lasting traffic.

Once you understand your audience, it’s time to determine what words best describe your product or service. Aside from the obvious (additional features, benefits), you can also use evocative phrases, power words, and other techniques that help create an emotional connection with your visitors. Jacob McMillen offers an excellent list of “power words” to get you started.

In addition to incorporating keywords, your description should tell the story of your product or service so that visitors can visualize themselves using it. That is especially important for those with high intent to buy. That can be accomplished by describing the origin of your product or addressing frequently asked questions. You can also include a call to action, such as a discount offer or money-back guarantee.

If you want to improve your SEO, looking at your competition is important. By analyzing your competitors, you can discover how they use keywords to gain organic traffic and identify growth opportunities. Competitor keyword analysis is a great way to determine the terms attracting the most traffic and the terms your competitors are ignoring. This knowledge can help you plan your content strategy accordingly and ensure your website is positioned to win the SEO game of chess.

First, make sure that you’re looking at the right competitors. For competitor keyword research, you should only consider businesses that rank in the top 10 SERPs for the organic keywords you’re targeting. That will eliminate the possibility of identifying competitors in different verticals or using paid search ads (PPC). Once you’ve placed your competitors, it’s time to start researching their keywords. There are a variety of tools that can be used to perform competitor keyword research, including Ubersuggest, SpyFu, and Ahrefs. Ubersuggest is a free tool that allows you to enter a keyword and see the website’s ranking for that term. Ubersuggest also provides a list of competitors ranking for the same keyword, their URL, and the number of organic keywords they rank for.

SpyFu is a more comprehensive tool that allows you to analyze competitor organic traffic and PPC data and track competitor backlinks and social media activity. SpyFu’s keyword competitive analysis feature makes it easy to keep tabs on what your competitors are doing and find new keywords to target. Ahrefs also offers a competitor keyword analysis tool that allows you to add specific keywords and then see the information for all pages that rank for those words.

Performing competitor keyword research takes time and effort, but staying ahead is worth the effort. By identifying the keywords driving their traffic, you can create a targeted keyword list and increase your chances of improving your SEO.

When conducting keyword research, you want to look for long-tail keywords that are both relevant and competitive. That means that you should avoid keywords that are too general (such as “how to” or “what is”) and those that are overly descriptive of a specific item or location (“best TV shows to watch,” for example). Searches containing the former type of keyword have low search volume and are very competitive, while searches involving the latter have high search volumes but lower competition levels.

To find these keywords, you should browse forums and other online communities for questions potential customers ask. You can also use tools like Google Trends to uncover trends relating to certain topics. You can create a targeted long-tail keyword list by finding out what people are interested in and then creating content that addresses those interests.

You can then organize and prioritize this list based on metrics like search volume, competition, and relevance. That will help you determine which keywords are most valuable to your business and should be included in your website’s content.

Another factor to consider when choosing your long-tail keywords is their search intent. A search term that reveals a transactional intention, such as “best show to watch,” is more likely to result in a sale than a search for “marketing blog,” which shows that someone is looking for top-level marketing advice.

You can use tools like Semrush’s Intent feature to determine a search’s intent. This tool helps you assess a search’s meaning and value by evaluating related keywords’ context, semantics, and context. In this way, you can ensure that your long-tail keywords match the searcher’s intent and will result in an effective conversion rate. Once you’ve sorted and prioritized your long-tail keywords, you’re ready to begin building content for your website. Remember to include these keywords in your title, header tags, and meta description. That will ensure your content is visible to the searcher and increase your chances of ranking higher on the SERP.

Digital Marketing Ideas

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Ideas are ways to promote and market your business. It can be done through email, social media, a website or even a mobile app.

One great idea is to create a content hub, which centralizes relevant information about your brand. It’s a good way to build your authority online and increase customer loyalty.

Video Content Marketing

Video content marketing is an effective way to build brand awareness and reach potential customers. It also increases engagement and conversion rates, and is a great tool for creating a strong brand image. When planning a video content marketing campaign, it is important to determine the measurable goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that you want to achieve. Once you know your objectives, it is easier to create a plan and determine which types of videos are most suitable for your business.

There are several different types of videos that can be used in your content marketing strategy, such as promotional, informational, and testimonial videos. Promotional videos are usually short and focused on a specific product or service. They can be funny or edgy and should reflect the company’s personality. Informational videos are designed to answer frequently asked questions. These videos are often helpful and informative, and they can increase customer satisfaction and build trust. Testimonial videos are a great way to promote your business and share customer experiences.

Finally, event videos are a great way to generate buzz around a particular event. These videos can be used to promote a webinar, conference, fundraiser, or any other type of event. They can be posted on social media to spread the word and increase attendance.

When choosing the style of your videos, it is important to consider your audience’s interests and demographics. Use data from your website analytics, and speak with your team to find out which topics are performing well. You can also look at your competitor’s content to see which formats are working for them. Once you have a few ideas, decide whether or not you will produce the videos in-house or outsource them to a production agency.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an essential digital marketing tool that enables brands to connect with their audience on a personal level. It is an effective way to drive traffic to your brand’s website, as well as increase engagement and conversions.

It is also cost-effective, as you can target your campaigns to specific audiences. This ensures that your messages are relevant and not spammy, which can lead to a higher ROI. Additionally, email can be accessed on a variety of devices, which allows you to reach more people.

When it comes to choosing an email marketing strategy, you should first think about your goals. What do you want to achieve from your campaign? Are you looking to drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? How will you measure your success? These questions will help you define your goals and set up a successful campaign.

Once you’ve identified your objectives, it’s time to start creating your content. A great place to start is with your company’s unique selling proposition (USP). You should define what sets you apart from the competition, as this will help you to craft compelling messages and calls-to-action for your email marketing campaign.

The next step is to build an email list by adding subscription forms on your website and placing them in highly visible areas. Remember that your audience needs to have opted-in to receive your emails, so be sure to only send them information that they are interested in.

Finally, make sure your subject lines are intriguing and stand out from the rest of the inbox. This is the first thing that will catch a recipient’s attention, and it can be the difference between an open and a click.


Ebooks are an excellent way to distribute and promote your content to a wider audience. They have multiple digital ‘pages’ that deliver information to the reader, and can be designed with visual elements like charts and graphs, something you can’t do on a blog. Ebooks are also highly portable and a lot easier to download than physical books, which can have a higher production cost and shipping fees associated with them.

As a result, they have the potential to be a high-value asset for your business. If you create an ebook, it’s best to focus on a topic that is relevant and valuable to your target audience. To find out exactly what your audience wants from an ebook, you can conduct research and read existing publications about the subject. This will help you identify knowledge gaps and areas that require further exploration.

An ideal format for an ebook is a playbook that equips your customers with the information they need to excel using your product. For example, if you have a software product for IT professionals to prevent viruses for their companies, an ebook that educates their support teams will help them to get the most value out of your offering.

You can generate leads by promoting your ebook on landing pages and allowing readers to download it in exchange for their contact details. Once you have a reader’s email address, you can reconvert them with a series of emails that take them further down your marketing funnel. You can also include CTAs within your ebook that entice them to visit your website, social media channels or resources page, where they’ll be encouraged to take further action.

In-Store Apps

The goal of many retail apps is to connect shoppers with the brand and its product. However, this is difficult to do with a mobile app alone. Retail apps need to be augmented with in-store functionalities that provide customers with utility. This allows retailers to reach long-term success metrics with their app and increase engagement.

Several retail brands are creating in-store app experiences that improve the physical shopping experience and drive long term engagement. For example, Gap has a built-in feature on their app that lets customers check stock in their local store. This eliminates the frustration that can happen when a customer is out of stock at a store they want to visit.

Mothercare has created a great in-store experience by providing a feature that lets customers scan the product they want to try on and a robot sends it to a fitting room within 30 seconds. This reduces return rates and allows customers to try on 12 pieces of clothing instead of 3-5.

Another in-store retail app is Shopkick, which rewards shoppers with “kicks” when they scan barcodes at select stores. These kicks can then be redeemed for online gift cards or PayPal credit. The app also includes a community and social features that allow users to interact with each other and learn more about products.

Another in-store retail app is Flipp, which helps shoppers save money while grocery shopping. The app allows users to create digital shopping lists and then finds coupons for those items from 2,000+ retailers. This makes grocery shopping a more streamlined process for consumers and can reduce the time spent at the store. Finally, the app can be used to track orders and receive notifications that let consumers know when their orders are ready to pick up.